Coffee cake

I always love to have some slightly bitter cake along with my tea or coffee. I made some bitter coffee cake for tea this evening and would like to share the recipe how ever I totally did not intend to cook today it was just a hopeless rainy and cold day any how cooking cheers me up when ever i bake this cake I remember 2 most important and beautiful ladies whom I admire and would still love to learn more from them they are none other than my granny and my boss :) My granny was a chennai born and bought up being from a very affluent and upper class family she had traveled a lot i used to listen to all the stories she used to tell from her travel and it always used to feel so romantic to here them she got married at a very young age and had to travel along with my grandpa in the army he was a major general from madras regiment he loved her cooking even today I cant forget all the good snacks she used to make for us at tea a kid i remember tea time used to be so formal and important it was time for family and friends get to gather it was so much fun watching all the ladies cook i also remember granny taking me to the local iyengar bakery to get me some honey cake it used to be so dil that was my Saturday treat. as I moved into the IT field i got to meet one of the most enterprising lady she was my boss she used to always make us her famous filter coffee at office she used to make us feel at home very kind person i admire her passion for cooking and entertaining friends and and my boss also used to go to a local coffee shop near my school koshys best coffee and snacks served there i still visit koshys when ever i'm at MG's such a nostalgic place and the place to experience old times....:)

What we need:
1/2 Cup Butter
1/3 Cup Oil
3 Eggs
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Cup sugar
4 Tbsp Nescafe or sunrise Coffee
10 Tbsp Dark Coco Powder
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract 
2 to 2 !/2 Cups Maida
1/2 Tsp Baking powder

Use a blender to blend all the wet ingredients first eggs, oil and milk tip in the butter and vanilla along with coffee powder and sugar in the wet ingredients blend well sift baking powder, cocopowder and maida and add by spoon fulls to the wet ingredients and blend well pour in a baking dish coated with oil and dusted with flour bake at 250 degree for 10 mins on micro wave high and check by pricking a knife in the middle if the blade comes out clear your cake is done dust with coco and sugar dust and serve with coffee or tea...enjoy...:)

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