I'm doing a product review for ready to use idiappam flour its easy to use no fuss but i have my own pros and cons with the product. today i will review 2 very popular brands available in Bangalore Product A(Double Horse) Product B(Nirapara). I must say these products are a boon for any working women, college student or a bachelor as we do not have time these days to research and select the rice then wash it soak it sun dry grind it...gosh... its lot of work...if you have the time then go for it...all that work...i call it waste of time...but this is a product which can make things super simple and easy to use all of us choose easy to use products right. then give these products a chance and try it out its exactly like olden days and the flour quality is super we love it at home its instant and super fun to involve the entire family into cooking.
Product A (Double Horse)
- Great hygienic packaging.
- Good product and moneys worth best quality rice used for flour.
- We can use the product for many recipe other than string hoppers.
- Now available international all major Indian food stores carry it good for any Indian staying abroad.
- Precise recipe information not provided.
- Being a international brand if proper recipe information is not given its tough for a first timer.
- Its only available in 500grams packet for a first timer if you want to try the product you would like to purchase 100grams packet and review then purchase a bigger packet.
Product B (Nirapara)
- Excellent product and moneys worth best quality rice used for flour.
- We can use the product for many recipe other than string hoppers.
- Now available internationally all major Indian stores carry it . good for any Indian staying abroad.
- Not satisfied with the packaging has tiny holes in them when ever i purchase from store.
- Being a international brand if proper recipe information is not given its tough for a first timer.
- Its only available in 500grams packet for a first timer if you want to try the product you would like to purchase 100grams packet and review then purchase a bigger packet.
Utensils Used:
This is nool puttu/ Idiappam maker you can even use murrukku maker with fine mesh plate...

I tend to loose the fine mesh plate in the murrukku maker....
Idilly Stand or mesh steam plate:
- Ready To Use Rice Powder -2 Cups
- Water - 3 Cups
- Oil - 2 Tbsp
- Salt to taste
Lets Prepare:
- Boil 3 Cups of water in a heavy bottom pan.
- Add 1/2 Tsp Salt to the boiling water.
- Measure 2 cups of ready to use idiappam flour.
- Remove 1 cup of boiling water reserve for later.
- Add the flour to boiling water and stir well with out lumps the flour should form into a smooth dough remove from flame and allow to cool.
- Add 2 Tbsp of oil to the prepared dough and knead well sprinkle the reserve lukewarm water if needed and knead to soft dough.
- Oil the contraption and idilly plate well.
- place water in the steamer to steam the idiappam.
- Take a small portion of dough and add into the contraption place the press the noddle in the idilly stand and steam for 10 minutes remove from flame de-mould and serve hot...Enjoy..:)

Excellent recipe for breakfast or dinner good for people who are on diet...can be served in different ways with curry or just boiled veg but in my next recipe i will show how i prepare 2 simple varieties using idiappam...
I've done the product review on youtube in english do watch and enjoy...:)
I've done the product review on youtube in english do watch and enjoy...:)