DIY Tomato Jam (Thakkali Jam Recipe)

This tomato jam recipe is very easy and nice something different from regular jams always use roma or bangalore tomato for the recipe its less sour and has lot of flesh. My grandma always used to make this jam during tomato season. this jam compliments well with biryani, roti or bread.

500 Grams Tomato
1 1/3 Cups Sugar
Red Food Color (Optional) I did not use food color
1/2 Tsp Sodium Benzoate
First Step:
  • Wash the tomatoes thrice.
Always buy ripe and firm tomatoes it should not have any green or yellow color and avoid buying tomatoes which have brown spots if you use such tomato you cannot preserve the jam for long...
Second Step:
  • Score the tomato.
  • Heat a pot of boiling water and add the tomatoes with in 10 mins the skin will peel remove the tomato from the boiling water and place in ice cold water or normal cold water.
  • Peel the tomato and add to the blender blend to a smooth puree.
Third Step:
  • Add the tomato pulp to a fine mesh sieve and extract the smooth puree .

Fourth Step:
  • Add the puree along with the sugar to a heavy bottom pot.
  • Place the pot on low flame.
  • Constantly keep stirring the tomato place a cover if it splutters while boiling.
  • After 20 minutes of boiling the tomato should reduce constantly keep stirring and add a pinch of salt.
  • The consistency of the tomato should get twice as thick.
Fifth Step:
  • Remove the jam from heat and allow to cool.
  • Add the sodium benzoate mix well and transfer to a plastic or glass container.
Allow the jam to rest for 2 day before use...always store the jam in glass or plastic container or glass bottle. 

Recipe video

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